IDOGO® Chi Kung

Basic Everyday Exercises and Meridian Opening Exercises.
The exercises are designed to help cope with everyday life. They loosen the entire body and correct posture. These exercises loosen the entire body by stretching specific muscles along the meridians, which increases Chi circulation. The exercises are easy to learn, efficient and very suitable for health prophylaxis. They are also movement training and improve posture.
The exercises are ideally suited for everyday use, e.g. during a break at home or at work.
2-3 exercises, which can be accomplished in 2-3 minutes, can quickly revitalise.

Arm Spiral Exercise
The arm spiral is an important factor for the yin/yang-balance of Chi circulation. These exercises focus on learning the arm spiral and increasing Chi-development.

Neck Spiral Exercise
The 6 Organ-Meridians and the Control/Server
Meridians flow through the neck. Neck coordination according to yin/yang-principles, promotes Chi-development.